How Many Saltwater Fish In A 20 Gallon Tank

Are you wondering how many saltwater fish you can keep in a 20 gallon tank? Look no further! In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about how many saltwater fish in a 20 gallon tank.

Pain Points

If you're new to saltwater tank keeping or have limited space, it can be challenging to figure out how many fish to keep in a 20 gallon tank. Overcrowding your tank can lead to detrimental consequences for your fish, and keeping too few fish can leave your tank feeling empty.


The general rule of thumb for a 20 gallon tank is to keep no more than two small saltwater fish. Alternatively, you can keep one medium fish or one large fish in your tank. Keep in mind that larger fish produce more waste, and overstocking your tank can lead to poor water quality or even death for your fish.


In summary, when it comes to how many saltwater fish in a 20 gallon tank, less is more. Overstocking your tank can cause poor water quality and harm your fish. It's best to keep no more than two small fish, one medium fish, or one large fish. Keeping a balanced ecosystem in your 20-gallon tank is essential for the health and well-being of your fish.

Personal Experience

When I first started keeping a saltwater tank, I made the mistake of overcrowding my 20 gallon tank with several small fish. I quickly noticed that my fish were becoming increasingly stressed and my water quality was deteriorating. After doing some research, I learned that I was keeping too many fish in my tank. I reduced the number of fish and began keeping a careful eye on my water parameters. Since then, my fish have been thriving, and my tank water looks healthy and clear.

saltwater fish in a tank

Tips for Keeping a Healthy Tank

Keeping a healthy tank involves more than just keeping the appropriate number of fish. Here are some additional tips to help you maintain a healthy tank:

  • Keep a clean tank by regularly performing water changes and cleaning your equipment
  • Monitor your water quality with a test kit
  • Choose fish that are compatible with each other and your tank setup
  • Feed your fish a varied and healthy diet
saltwater fish tank

The Benefits of a Larger Tank

If you have the space and resources, consider upgrading to a larger tank. Larger tanks provide more swimming space for your fish, more stability for your water parameters, and greater room for creativity when designing your tank setup. However, remember that the "one inch of fish per gallon" rule is not an accurate measurement for determining how many fish you can keep in your tank.

larger saltwater tank

Tank Size and Fish Health

Your tank size plays a significant role in the health and well-being of your fish. Overcrowding your tank can lead to stress, aggression, and poor water quality, all of which can harm your fish. Providing your fish with ample space and a healthy environment is essential to their longevity and happiness.

75 gallon saltwater tank

Question and Answer

Q: Can I keep more than two small fish in my 20-gallon tank?

A: While it's technically possible to keep more than two small fish in a 20 gallon tank, it's not recommended. Overcrowding your tank can lead to poor water quality and harm your fish.

Q: Can I mix different species of fish in my tank?

A: Yes, you can mix different species of fish in your tank. However, it's essential to choose fish that are compatible with each other and your tank setup. Research each species to determine their temperament, diet, and space requirements.

Q: How often should I perform water changes in my tank?

A: The frequency of water changes depends on the size of your tank, the number of fish you keep, and your equipment. In general, you should perform a 20-25% water change every 1-2 weeks. However, always monitor your water parameters and adjust your water change schedule accordingly.

Q: What are some signs that my tank is overcrowded?

A: Signs that your tank is overcrowded include aggressive behavior from your fish, poor water quality, excessive algae growth, and visible stress in your fish.


When it comes to how many saltwater fish in a 20 gallon tank, less is more. Overcrowding your tank can lead to poor water quality and harm your fish. It's best to keep no more than two small fish, one medium fish, or one large fish. Remember to keep a balanced ecosystem, monitor your water parameters, and choose fish that are compatible with each other and your tank setup for a healthy and happy saltwater tank.


How Many Fish Per Gallon (Saltwater) | Reef Tank Resource

How Many Fish Per Gallon (Saltwater) | Reef Tank Resource
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