20 Gallon Long Vs Tall

Are you in the market for a new 20 gallon tank, but unsure whether you should go for a long or tall tank? Look no further! This article will explore the differences between 20 gallon long and tall tanks and help you make an informed decision.

Pain Points

Choosing between a 20 gallon long and tall tank can be overwhelming, especially if you're new to the hobby. You may be wondering which one is better for the fish you want to keep, or which one will give you more space to work with.


When deciding between a 20 gallon long and tall tank, it ultimately comes down to personal preference and the type of fish you plan on keeping. Long tanks are great for fish that prefer swimming space and can accommodate more fish overall. Tall tanks, on the other hand, are better suited for fish that prefer living in a more vertical environment, such as angelfish or some species of freshwater shrimp.

Main Points

In summary, long tanks are best for fish that require more swimming space, while tall tanks are better for fish that require a more vertical environment. Consider the type of fish you plan on keeping before making a decision. Both types of tanks have their advantages and disadvantages, so it ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Long Tanks

Long tanks, also known as "breeder" tanks, are longer and shallower than tall tanks. They provide more horizontal swimming space and are a good choice for fish that prefer swimming in a straight line. One of the biggest advantages of a long tank is that it can accommodate more fish, as there is more surface area for oxygen exchange and waste removal.

20 gallon long aquarium

Tall Tanks

Tall tanks are taller and narrower than long tanks. They provide less horizontal swimming space, but more vertical swimming space. This makes them a great choice for fish that prefer swimming in a more vertical environment, such as angelfish or some species of freshwater shrimp. However, tall tanks may require more maintenance as waste can accumulate at the bottom due to poor water circulation.

20 gallon tall planted aquarium

Which is Better for Plants?

When it comes to planted tanks, a long tank may be a better choice. This is because long tanks provide more surface area for light penetration, which is vital for plant growth. Additionally, long tanks provide more room for plants to spread out and grow, while tall tanks may restrict plant growth due to limited horizontal space.

low tech 20 gallon long planted aquarium


When setting up a 20 gallon tank, proper filtration is key. A long tank may require a larger filter due to the increased surface area, while a tall tank may benefit from a filter with a strong output to ensure water circulation and prevent dead spots.

Personal Experience

I personally prefer long tanks as they provide more swimming space for my schooling fish. I find that my fish are more active and less stressed in a long tank compared to a tall one. Plus, I have more room to experiment with aquascaping and planting.


Q: Can I keep the same fish in both a long and tall tank?

A: Yes, as long as the tank size is appropriate for the fish and they are compatible with each other. Consider their swimming habits and provide enough space for them to move around comfortably.

Q: Which tank is easier to clean?

A: Both tanks require consistent maintenance, but a long tank may be easier to clean due to the shallow depth. However, tall tanks may require more frequent water changes to ensure proper water circulation and waste removal.

Q: Can I keep plants in a tall tank?

A: Yes, but it's important to choose plants that don't require a lot of horizontal space or they may not thrive. Consider using tall, narrow plants such as hornwort or dwarf hairgrass.

Q: How many fish can I keep in a 20 gallon tank?

A: It depends on the size and activity level of the fish. As a general rule, aim for one inch of fish per gallon of water. However, remember to consider the bioload and compatibility of the fish as well.


When deciding between a 20 gallon long and tall tank, consider the type of fish you plan on keeping and your personal preferences. Both tanks have their pros and cons, so choose the tank that works best for you and your aquatic pets. Happy fishkeeping!


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