Bar Goby

The bar goby, also known as the Ptereleotris zebra, is a small and colorful fish that has become a popular choice for both novice and experienced aquarists. These little guys are full of personality and beauty, making them an excellent addition to any saltwater tank.

However, while they may seem like a perfect fit for every tank, there are some things to keep in mind before bringing home a bar goby. They require specific tank conditions and can be finicky when it comes to eating, which can cause frustration for many owners.

So, what exactly is the target of the bar goby? These fish can grow up to three inches in length and are native to the Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean. They thrive in rocky areas with plenty of hiding spots and are often found in pairs or small groups.

To summarize, bar gobies are a colorful and charming addition to any saltwater tank. However, they require specific tank conditions and can be picky eaters, so be prepared to put in a little extra effort.

Bar Goby: A Personal Experience

When I first brought home my bar goby, I was enamored with its striking colors and unique personality. However, I quickly realized that it was a little finicky when it came to eating. After some trial and error, I discovered that it preferred live or frozen foods and had to be coaxed into eating pellets.

On top of that, I had to ensure that my tank had plenty of hiding spots and rocky areas for my bar goby to explore and feel secure. Overall, it takes some extra effort to care for these fish, but their charm makes it all worth it.

Bar Goby: Tank Conditions

As mentioned earlier, bar gobies require specific tank conditions to thrive. They do well in tanks with plenty of live rock and hiding spots, as well as fine substrate for burrowing. They also prefer a moderate to strong water flow and plenty of space to swim.

It's important to note that bar gobies are not reef-safe, as they may nibble on corals and other invertebrates. If you have a reef tank, it's best to opt for other fish species.

Bar Goby: Feeding

Feeding bar gobies can be a bit of a challenge, as they are known to be picky eaters. They prefer live or frozen foods, such as brine shrimp or bloodworms, and may need to be coaxed into eating pellets or flakes.

It's important to maintain a varied diet for your bar goby to ensure that they are getting all the necessary nutrients. Aim to feed them small amounts two to three times per day.

Bar Goby: Compatibility

Bar gobies are generally compatible with other peaceful fish species and can even be kept in pairs or small groups. However, they may become aggressive towards other fish of the same species, so it's best to keep only one per tank.

Question and Answer

Q: Are bar gobies reef-safe?

A: No, they are not reef-safe as they may eat corals and other invertebrates.

Q: What size tank do I need for a bar goby?

A: At least a 20-gallon tank is recommended for one or two bar gobies.

Q: How can I coax my bar goby into eating pellets?

A: Try soaking the pellets in garlic before feeding or using a feeding stick to mimic live food movement.

Q: Do bar gobies need a specific water flow?

A: Yes, they prefer a moderate to strong water flow in their tank.


The bar goby is a striking and charming fish that requires some extra effort to care for properly. They thrive in tanks with plenty of hiding spots and live rock, and prefer live or frozen foods over pellets. While they are not reef-safe, they are generally peaceful and can be kept in pairs or small groups with other peaceful fish species. Overall, the effort put into caring for these fish is worth it for their beauty and unique personalities.


Salt Water Fish Gallery - Custom Marine Aquaria

Salt Water Fish Gallery - Custom Marine Aquaria
Photo Credit by: / goby

Bar Goby

Bar Goby
Photo Credit by: /

BAR GOBY Small 2 - 3 Inches -

BAR GOBY small 2 - 3 inches -
Photo Credit by: / goby

Goby : Bar Goby

Goby : Bar Goby
Photo Credit by: / goby

Bar Goby For Sale (Ptereleotris Zebra). TOP Care Facts.

Bar Goby For Sale (Ptereleotris zebra). TOP Care facts.
Photo Credit by: / goby reefs4less